EXISTENCE #2 [Social distancing]

Born from a collective initiative, EXISTENCE is an exhibition format for visual arts and other projects, reserved for emerging artists with a contemporary practice and living on the territory of Martinique. For the second edition of the « EXISTENCE » exhibition cycle, the young generation of artists are questioning distancing through an original collective creation. Between uncertainties and humor a group of young visual artists question the physical and symbolic limits of their practices.

The term « Social distancing » appeals to the spatial dimension but also engaged in artistic production. By « distancing », one must understand taking a step back in the literal sense, the spontaneous gesture that protects us from the other. But one can also assume « distancing » as a reflective step back. A distancing which can therefore be in this sense, anopportunity to see things from different angles, to change point of view, to give rise to new questions.

Marvin Fabien, Caribbean bodies - Bouyon Series, 2018, techniques mixtes sur papier, 65 cm x 50 cm.
Marvin Fabien, Caribbean bodies – Bouyon Series, 2018
Mixed media on paper, 65 cm x 50 cm.

The term « distancing » is also a heritage from the performing arts. It has a spatial and social connotation, since it involves meet- ing the spectator. At the heart of the work, or on the contrary put at a distance, it enters into a form of dialogue with the artist through staging. The distancing allows to shift the power of meaning of the works, by giving back his critical mind to the spec- tator.

Alice Arnaud, Lisière, 2019, encre de Chine sur papier , 30x40 cm.
Alice Arnaud, Lisière, 2019, China ink on paper , 30×40 cm

The exhibition « Social distancing » navigates between these dimensions while echoing the new vocabulary that currently governs our human relationships. It then poses the question of the limit, and proposes an evolving answers with malleable bor-ders. This exhibition allows the artists to represent the contradictions and social flaws in which the possibilities of transformationand emancipation for their generation reside.

Jérémie Priam, Obscession (Quadryptique), 2020, estampe, 100x70 cm chaque
Jérémie Priam, Obscession (Quadryptique), 2020, print on paper, 100×70 cm each

The exhibition Existence # 2 thinks of the presence of the other, artist as well as spectator. It is an excuse to summon the re- sources, to mobilize the collective energies of this young generation of artists, in order to provide answers to the destabilizing experiences that nevertheless unite them.

Kidjahna Waccus, Sans titre (installation), 2019, halfah, laine, palette, chaise enfant, livre, dimension variable.
Kidjahna Waccus, Sans titre (installation), 2019
Halfah, wool, palet, kid’s chair, book, dimension variable

EXISTENCE # 2 brings together eleven reflective consciousnesses on the production of works of art in a hybridcultural space. The selected works effectively question the creative intention, the purpose, and the completion of formally con- temporary practices. Artists who, in a collective dynamic, try to decipher the limits of the common through the symbolism of their productions.

Pauline & Mathilde Bonnet, Déréliction, 2020, vue d’installation vidéo, 150m3.
Pauline & Mathilde Bonnet, Déréliction, 2020
Installation vidéo still, 150m3

With this exhibition, the curators duo Arthur Francietta & Jérémie Priam, shows us in what ways the cultural and social achievements of artists, anchored in a contemporary Caribbean, can be in conscious relation with the world of today.

Guest artists:
Alice ARNAUD – Jean-Marc BULLET – Pauline & Mathilde BONNET – Jonathan CLAUDE – Marvin FABIEN – Bahbou FLORO – YannMONTOUT – Jérémie PRIAM – Ludgi SAVON – Stedy THEODORE – Alex KVRY – Kidjahna WACCUS

EXISTENCE #2 – [Social distancing] is an exhibition curated by Arthur Francietta & Jérémie Priam ;
with the support of espace d’art contemporain 14N 61W, and the association art unlimited, in Fort-de-France (Martinique).

EXISTENCE #2 – [Social distancing]
20.06.2020 au 01.08. 2020
espace d’art contemporain 14N 61W
Fort-de-France (Martinique)

+ Find more: www.14n61w.org

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