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Learn about the African Art History and Aesthetics
A space dedicated to expression and exchanges, prone to discover a land of innovative creation, Artskop sets Africa at the centre of discussions. Africa is a continent that continuously dialogues with many other cultures in the world, transcending ages and forms. A complex cultural diversity framed by two latitudes, 37° N and 34° S, under crossed influences, aiming to be seen by everyone.
Artskop3437 is a manifesto: proposing a place to discover, understand; consider Africa, plural and global, through its creative Arts. Artskop3437 is a nerve centre, open to everyone, in which all galleries, artists, designers, museums, fairs, project spaces, art centres, amateurs can explore, learn, collaborate, collect, discover works and artistic networks that built this cosmopolite, creative and borderless Africa
Because there is still sometimes a lack of understanding of African art by international art lovers, Artskop3437 wishes to create a major collective database. This art Database would become an encyclopaedic research tool, putting in context every artwork present on the website.
This “Artskop Database Project” will therefore be a source of information on the history of the African aesthetics in their entirely, including ancient and contemporary diasporas as well as artists having a connection to Africa, beyond their origin or geographies. Art historians, curators, museums, foundations…
Our values
Opennes: Putting Africa in the centre and expanding to all types of creations (art & art market, design, architecture, destinations and more) and to all artists that draw their influences in the African continent, whatever their geographical integration.
Passion: Creating a place of encounters and discussions for the art lovers around the world
Excellence: Showcasing ambitious, influent, prospective creations with the help of specialist of arts from Africa (artist, gallerists, curators)
Sharing: Adopting an educative voluntaristic approach, enabling for everyone to discover, understand and even collect arts from Africa