Everard Read contributes to the collective effort against Covid-19
After raising almost 1.4 million rand for the South African Solidarity Fund last week, with the digital exhibition “Staring Straight to the Future”. Everard Read galleries present “Us” – their second digital exhibition in support of the South African Solidarity Fund, created by President Cyril Ramaphosa in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Once again, 50% of the proceeds, after payment to the artists, will go directly to the Fund.
“Us” brings together 27 artists from across South Africa. In addition to directing half the proceeds to the Solidarity Fund, the exhibition also aims to continue to sustain the livelihoods of many self-employed artists as well as studio and foundry staff.
At a time when South Africa is facing a health and economic crisis without precedent in the history of its democracy, the artists and the Everard Read team wish to contribute with these exhibitions to the collective effort to help prevent the spread of the virus, care for those who are ill, and support those whose lives have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“As the lockdown continues in South Africa and around the world, we hope that these digital exhibitions will continue to harness the generosity of our communities and make a small contribution towards protecting health workers at the front line and assisting those whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.”
Everard Read teams
Click HERE to request the portfolio
Participating artists: Sanell Aggenbach, Beezy Bailey, Deborah Bell, Nic Bladen, Norman Catherine, Ricky Dyaloyi, Vusi Khumalo, Jop Kunneke, Dylan Lewis, Paula Louw, Michael MacGarry, Speelman Mahlangu, Nelson Makamo, IO Makandal, Colbert Mashile, Setlamorago Mashilo, Ignatius Mokone, Brett Murray, Nigel Mullins, Richard Penn, Tanya Poole, Caryn Scrimgeour, Lionel Smit, Andrzej Urbanski, Elize Vossgatter, Barbara Wildenboer & Neill Wright.