Women artists, what were the best bids ?
A #metoo effect? It would appear that the arts community is finally giving late, but increasingly important, recognition to female artists.
can also be seen that in recent years, strategic positions have been entrusted to women in the artistic field; and they have done a lot to promote women artists in the art world.
That said, everything can be improved, and men earn, not surprisingly, much more than women in this environment as in many others.
Nevertheless, let us welcome this positive movement and hope that it will continue to move in this healthy direction.
While waiting for the perfect equality, here is a small glimpse of the most highly rated female artists and the best auctions carried out by female artists since the summer of 2017, according to the ArtPrice ranking.
Cecily Brown, suddenly last summer
Cecily Brown, a British artist born in 1969, belongs to the school of abstract expressionism.
Supported by very powerful market players, the artist has seen her prices soar in a very impressive way in recent years: Sold for $662,500 in 2009, Suddenly Last Summer was sold in May 2018 for a staggering $6.8 million!
His canvas Suddenly Last Summer, charged with a healthy energy, exudes a composition of scrupulous rigour that contrasts with the apparent casualness of his line.
We think of course when we see this painting by Jackson Pollock, one of the most prominent representatives of the expressionist movement.
Cecily Brown’s painting, which can also remind the viewer of tribal art, has been ranked 32nd in the best auctions since the summer of 2017.
The first 31 places are therefore all occupied by men…
Cecily Brown, the skin of our teeth
This title of poetic painting, with its surrealist allure, may have been taken from a theatre piece by Thornton Wilder, who won the Pullitzer Prize in 1943.
The pink tones of this strange painting put the viewer in a troubled and almost embarrassing position; it is difficult to know what, of joy or pain, is most apparent in this beautiful and ambiguous canvas.
This work sold for $3.9 million.
Marlène Dumas, De gele vingers van de kunstenaar (The yellow fingers of the artist)
The South African artist born in 1953 has experienced a dazzling progression in recent years; inspired by the expressionist movement, she has always favoured simplicity and simplicity in her work.
De gele vingers van de kunstenaar (The yellow fingers of the artist) is a dark and ambiguous work, on a black background, where a character with a tattooed flower forehead looks straight at the spectator with a strange grin while pointing a yellow finger at him, while a character on the right drinks a cloudy drink while looking at the spectator from below. It cannot leave anyone indifferent; it flew away at a price of 3.6 million in June 2017.
Marlène Dumas, Magdalena, underwear and bedtime stories
This work is also representative of Marlène Dumas’ art; her series of Magdalenas, whose composition is the subject follows a very coherent common thread, is an intrinsic component of her work. This painting, both strangely soft and very powerful, depicts a young woman standing in a proudly static posture in front of the viewer, whose almost nakedness is modestly hidden by her long hair. The painting sold for $3.6 million in November 2017. A great success, which has strengthened the artist’s reputation over the past ten years